客户体验 转换 Maturity Model

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客户体验一号 sustainable 有竞争力的 differentiator.


客户体验 转换 Maturity Model 第一个 定义了 你的 purpose, 期望的业务成果,策略 在选择平台之前. In creating 你的 bet36体育注册化的未来, you have the opportunity to assess lots of pathways to success. You may be considering a portfolio of various 商业模式 和 wondering how innovating 和 introducing 新的商业模式 to 你的 organization will 影响 the way that 你的 operating model will need to adapt.

客户体验 转换 Maturity Model defined:要面向投资 in Purpose, Performance, People, Process,平台 支持现有的和 新的商业模式 为了更有效地 吸引客户 at every touchpoint with 你的 品牌.

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我们的模型有帮助 变革推动者
创新 获得的经验. 



通过 collaborative vision formulation, LCG 需要一个 长期 组织视图. We 帮助高级管理人员 确定 正确的组合 of 商业模式 他们应该通过领养 战略评估 涉及我们的comprehensive assessments, scenario planning,市场研究.采用 of 创新的商业模式 should align to 你的 organization's purpose.



Many global consulting firms start 客户体验 转换 initiatives by 使用 a 5-5-5 process; that is, they conduct a workshop to 征求 5 ideas that can be generated in 5 weeks resulting in a prototype that can be launched in 5 months. Those initiatives rely more on luck than on 策略. 我们的过程也会 deliver short-term prototypes, but our customers typically need to fund bet36体育注册转换 over a three-year period 使用 a 战略路线图 这将 创建可持续的有竞争力的 优势. Organizations who can execute their 策略 win. 


成功的 客户体验 转换 从最上面开始. 的y typically require the client to have a c级冠军. 但是它们是 多学科的. If the initiative is to be 转换al, 通过定义, you will have people in 你的 organization who have never had reason to collaborate working together to seek new answers in new ways.

For instance, many of our consultants arrive to 设计思维工作坊 和 notice that there are people in the room who think that 我们 the employees 和 that the other participants are the facilitators. 他们 confused because this group of people have never been assembled to work together 和 often, we wind up introducing the employees for the 第一个 time. 

It is imperative to get an early 理解当前的技能 within the organization 和 the complementary ecosystem of partnerships 和 consultants who fill in the gaps. 我们的行为 comprehensive capabilities assessments技能的库存 & mapping across key stakeholders, existing vendor relationships, 和 their associated teams. 



识别盘点 主要的 价值驱动 cost-driving 流程 in 你的 organization, we will select the 一个s that align with 你的 期望的业务成果 而且是最有可能的 积极 影响 你的 organization's journey in achieving it. You cannot digitize what you have not documented. 让我们来处理 文档 你的进程使用 实际的映射 that are ready so that builders can build. Our process 文档 is BPMN 2.0的. 



Your platforms should be assembled around 你的 bet36体育注册化的未来, 而不是反过来. a reason in our model that technology is last. 我们将建立一个 功能路线图 这将 support 你的 desired 客户体验s. “Marchitecture” (marketing architecture) extends well beyond the marketing department. Sales-tech, fintech, legal-tech, supply 供应链的解决方案, IT, 和 call centers all have 关键的角色 填入 提供 创新和 赢得 客户体验s. 


Director of Digital 客户体验

"Tyson 和 bet36亚洲体育 have had a thriving relationship for the last 3.5年. 他们是值得信赖的顾问. 的y are teachers, doers, 和 listeners."

Paul 秘鲁首都利马, LCG Managing Partner & 基思的理发师, Director of Digital 客户体验 at Tyson, speaking at Signavio World 2021

Leverage design thinking as a 共同的语言

我们已经 成功部署 our model in just about every 主要的 industry. 他会给你带来 纪律严格转换. Each 转换 follows the steps 的 model, but the outcomes of every phase will be 高度定制的 为了你的时刻. 组织的动态, 准备状态, 预算, 商业模式野心, 和 willingness to absorb change are all taken as inputs in our recommendations.

Since 2004, we've built a catalogue of 超过80个独特的产品 that can be created while leveraging the 客户体验 转换 Maturity Model. A typical client gets 16 - 36 of those deliverables, chosen based on 你的 organization's needs 和 fashi一个d to support 你的 转换的目的. Each deliverable has an associated project plan with st和ards, 流程, 工作流, 还有一张定价卡. 这些 项目计划 提供 一致性效率. 我们为价值提供速度. We help innovators create the digital future.




多有远见的人变革推动者 支持和资助客户体验

多学科的企业级 commitment from BUs 和 Shared bet36亚洲体育

渴望进步 一项内部议程 数据驱动的文化

愿意 加速敏捷姿势将商业模式货币化; both digital 和 traditional, through the use of 自动化创新

CX的共识观点 它是a吗 长期, strategic, comprehensive initiative. 这是一个 项目组合; 不是一次性的项目.


是否有理由 start 你的 客户体验 转换 was a reaction to chase a 有竞争力的 imperative or 你的 aspiration is to transform 你的 industry through 有竞争力的 differentiators, 我们的模型适用.

In the modern economy, organizations must provide 卓越的客户体验 使用 bet36体育注册工具. That means that companies that win, win on bet36体育注册体验.

客户体验 转换 Maturity Model is deeply intertwined with the bet36亚洲体育 mission: 也就是 帮助开发,部署,优化bet36体育注册体验 to 创建可持续的 有竞争力的 优势. 我们知道 客户体验数量 一个 sustainable 有竞争力的 differentiator.

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